AutoUpdate v2.0 beta

What's this?


What variables can i use in AutoUpdate?
%_hour% - returns the hour from 0 to 23
%_minute% - returns the minute formatted with leading zero from 00 to 59
%_day% - returns the day of month from 1 to 31
%_month% - returns the month of year from 1 to 12
%_year% - returns the year formatted with 4 number like 1999 or 2000
%_time% - returns the time formatted with the time and date formats in the configuration dialog
%_date% - returns the date formatted with the time and date formats in the configuration dialog
%_longdate% - returns the date in a special format i use it. year/month/day where year are 4 numbers, month is written lowercase (no number) and the day is a number from 1 to 31
%_@% - returns the current internet time. Refer to for more informations
%_poster% - returns the poster of this news which is configured in the configuration dialog
Is there a documentation for AutoUpdate v2.0
No, sorry! But i haven't done this yet! I will do this in one of the next versions. But i help you via mail to get your system going well.
Here is some documentation for v1.0. I put it on web. It's imcomplete. The documentation contains all functions that are useable. Please read it. It may help you. Here is the readme file for version 1.0 and a empty html-page preconfigured for AutoUpdate. I hope this helps to configure the news system.
How to setup the news file?
Create an html-file for your news an insert following two tags into it:
<!-- DATA -->
<!-- /DATA -->
Upload this file to your webserver and configure the news system to it.